Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hello all. Well, school has started yet again. I however have been slow in starting, there are many leftovers to finish from the summer construction frenzy. Seems my lot to get them done. Still, it is good to be among the fish again. We have some new faces as our enrollment is up. That means more in the school. I am looking forward to using the new classroom configuration and updates to the computer lab to go more places on the internet. In fact, I am taking classes in technology integration in the classroom. I am looking forward to using our capabilities to doing more than just using the technology we have to do the same old thing. I would like to use the technology to discover new, "feeding grounds". Seems we have been feeding at the same spot for quite some time. Though there seems to be food aplenty it is fed in the same way. I'd like to stir up the current a bit, scatter some of the food so we have to search beyond our regular expected places, dig a little more. The food seems the same though the food is delivered in new is still the same food. Perhaps, if we take the new containers and throw the food further into new areas we'll all discover some new food, excite the taste buds. As is, we swim over the same area year after year, oh, we do mix it up and reverse things and swim the other way once in awhile but, it is the same area even if viewed from the other way. Who knows? Maybe new food, and looking in other nooks and crannies of our feeding ground will give us new energy, new vistas, ...the possibilities are tastes, different surroundings. I'll let you know how the adventure goes.


  1. Nice turtle and very good analogy. Always keep in mind, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man, healthy wealthy, and wise."

  2. Albert,
    Your analogy was very creative and your blog looks very professional. Have you been blogging long or is the first time?

  3. I like your analogy and also your turtle picture. I think that one of the most important things in education (and life) is motivation. If technology can motivate kids to put effort into their education, then it is worth it.
