Thursday, August 5, 2010

More Room for Tools

As I consider my game plan I am encouraged this week that my goals can be reached. I have determined to start out slowly in using software that requires checking in with the teacher for approval and permission through programs such as Ning and Blogmeister. As we gain experience with that we will branch out to others. I am reminded by Vicki Davis that, “It is important for teachers to remember that you don’t get there overnight. You have to start small.” As my class and I gain in proficiency we’ll branch out to other software programs. This week through the course of my study I have been supplied with research confirmation of collaborative study, “Learning then, from a Vygotskian perspective, can be enhanced through interaction and collaboration.Given the lack of face to face interaction in an online class, it follows that engaging students in collaborative efforts in online classes may increase student learning.

This week my study resources provided opportunities to observe video snippits of students working collaboratively and successfully through online programs, and I have assembled a list of programs to learn more about. Through my course of study I will be participating in a collaborative wiki experience, am looking forward to a digital storytelling lesson planning effort. I actually surprised myself by looking ahead three weeks from now when school starts and began carving out a new planning space to learn, plan and utilize some tech resources for the classroom,  a specified time just to learn and practice using some new technology tool for in class. Looks like room continues to be made for new tools in the tool box.


Hargis, J., & Wilcox, S. M. (2008, October). Ubiquitous, free, and efficient online collaboration tools for teaching and learning. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 9(4), 9–17.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008a). Program Ten. Spotlight on Technology: Social Networking and Online Collaboration , Part One [Motion picture]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008b). Program Eleven. Spotlight on Technology: Social Networking and Online Collaboration, Part Two [Motion picture]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Author.

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